15 Jun 2009


Now, it's amazing this thing we call our human nature. What is more amazing is how easy we forget. How easy we forget that we are human beings.

Of no fault of our own, we are not perfect and perfection was never meant for us. OK correct me if I am wrong; but there is nothing and no one as perfect but perfection itself. Fact of the matter is, perfection does NOT exist! Even when we think and feel from the bottom of our hearts that we have done our best, even when we see great results in our performance, there is always that thing..that thing.. that something.. that feeling... maybe a sixth sense, that tells us we could do more. We could do better.

'Yes I am a perfectionist!'

But just so I don't sound contradictory here :-) and confuse all you who are easily swayed for your benefit I will rephrase that statement: I believe that i am a perfectionist. Yes, and so do so many of us out there!!!

But when we really think on it. Is it possible to achieve such perfection that we are completely satisfied and seek no more reason or justification to keep doing better, getting more, learning more?

The biggest lesson I have ever learned (i think) is that, the moment i stop learning and think I have 'gotten it all', then, that's the beginning of the end for me. Because if i cannot continue to learn more, experience more, be more, then really what more is there for me to do than curl myself up in bed, (in this cold and dreary June weather) and just DIE!!

Indeed it is believed that we have a creator; and in His mind whilst He molded us and fashioned us according to His perfect image, we still remain imperfect! Notice the word 'according to..' That may very well mean that whilst we are meant to be perfect, because of our human nature we tend to and are allowed to act according to this nature on occasion and slip or fall.

Then why is it since we do know this; why then do we as 'intelligent' beings at least more intelligent than animals; why do we tend to focus on the wrongs in our lives and never the right?? Why is it that we beat ourselves up every time we mess up forgetting that everyone does mess up and we are not alone in this crazy mind boggling world?

Perhaps if we stopped looking in front of us and looked beyond us, perhaps we would be able to understand that we can only act upon that which is within our control and not beyond our control!

If we practice this notion every day starting today, I believe many of us would have more to say about our lives in terms of achievement and happiness.

The question still remains: 'Will we?'

For more from Lilian visit http://www.saycheeseplease.wordpress.com/, http://www.themodernbusinesschool.wordpress.com/.

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