7 Nov 2007

Writer's block!!

Aaaaaaargh, I'm looking at my thought that are in my head and you know what? There's nothing!!!!! Ok please don't mistake me, I am no fool. I am just trying to put down my thoughts for the day but you know what? I having one of those days I am sure you've had. I don't know what to write about!!! AAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!

Ok sir/ Madam, you need to understand my frustration here...I am a writer or so i call myself: the author of all things positive and here I am unable to think of anything.

And yes it happens to the BEST of us. Even Mother Teresa I bet had one of those days when its tough!! you just don't know why? nothing major is happening really to ruin your day but you feel dull. Well right about now my thought are dull and I got no juicy stuff to throw at you but you know what, my phones ringing and hello......

I have been invited to lunch. Yippeee!!! Yes this is when I am grateful for the friends who unknowingly save me from complaining I am having a dull day... Well I am off now to tantalize my taste buds, i do hope were off to Bermuda.....ill be back.

Meanwhile please don't get a positive feeling block!!! I need all the positivity!!

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