25 Jul 2006

I am sure there are times when you sit down after a long day at work and wonder to your self: "What in the world am i still doing answering phones, chasing after difficult clients, pushing mounds of bills, shouting at the waiter for overcharging me by 2 cents, screaming at the kids for not reminding you about their trip to Bolivia..??"

You sit down on your bed and wish you did not have to wake up the following day to face your boss who thinks you're an incompetent fool and who you think is an overbearing idiot.

Exasperated, you stretch out and lie face up on your bed and you wish you were dead! You think you're in a dead end job, and your world is falling apart.

You hear the raindrops start to fall and you remember you forgot your husband's favorite 'nice shirt' which he had specifically asked to be washed so that he could wear it to the BIG meeting tomorrow..and you figure he needs to deal with the reality that he can only wear the 'ok shirt' which has been in the soak for days. No way are you running out in the pounding rain and risk messing up your expensive hairdo that you couldn't even afford in the first place. You hate yourself for not being a good wife or a better mother.

You think you have failed. You start to blame your mother for having brought you into this complicated world. If she had just not made the mistake of falling for your poor charming father, you would perhaps be born to another lucky family of brainy rich parents and you would probably be at anytime now an heir to the 'Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation'. Then you could Go to Disney World like you always yearned to as an unlucky child, then buy those fancy clothes at WoolWorth's or some expensive store or perhaps dine at the Grand Chateux in France.

But FATE has it that you're stuck with your overweight husband who grunts like a bear, kids who are on constant punisment in pre school, a job that adds no value to your life and.... an empty silence that keeps on droning, a reminder that you SUCK!!!

You grunt and roll over and lie face down on your belly. You laugh out loud.

A self reminder that,CHAOS is what makes the world go round...you lie there and slowly you begin to drift off to sleep. As always,today, yet again, you've let yourself go as you begin to focus on TOMORROW..
The beginning of the rest of your life... because that's what truly counts....

Your mind is a powerful thing! You can use it to break you or use it to make you. You can use it to focus on the NEGATIVES or focus on the POSITIVES. ATTITUDE is the Key to YOUR success. Ask John Foppe or Oprah or any successful man or woman on earth.

for more on your attitude visit: www.actionwealth.com/lilianokado

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