21 Nov 2006


Every single day I am bombarded by thoughts of life's predicaments. Some thoughts are novel, whilst others are similar to previous meditations. Today I am strongly thinking on a category of human subjects I have over time for sanity's sake, collectively grouped as whiners.

As always someone has just gotten me riled up about nothing.

One definition of the word, that I came across on the web this morning, is: "To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint." In this case let us stick to the last term in this simple yet accurate definition, even if just to pleasure me.

I onced dated this guy who could not stand anyone whining about anything however catastrophic the subject; and that included me. He often pointed out that complaining never did anyone any good, especially when nothing is done to eradicate your problem.

This being the reality; nevertheless, as an eloquent young woman i felt this 'law' deprived me of my avenue to let out all steam and let go. So whenever i felt inclined to bang some heads, in defiance I would subject him to untolerable ramblings about this and that. I guess (now when i think about it) that may explain his fast but silent departure out of my life.

Subsequently, as I now peruse my inbox I come across an email sent yesterday by a friend, that is pushing me to objectively consider shifting goalposts to join the the group of "Those against whiners."

This 38 year old man, who seems to have no idea that King David as a little man managed to bring down Goliath the giant with one precise slingshot, is moaning not out of pain or fear, but out of a lack of self mastery, about something that if well thought out, a 10 year old would easily fix, putting him to shame. Let me explain my theory a litle further, perhaps if not to help my friend, to reach out to the dying few.
How is it that Mother Teresa in India with all her frailty and meekeness, managed to somehow bring peace of mind and comfort to millions of poor destitutes living in Calcutta? How is it that our very own forest defender Kenyan Nobel laureate Prof. Wangari Maathai, squarley and successfully faced off local adversity to attain global recognition? Pointing west at our East African neighbours; how is it that millionare Geoffery Semaganda, a Ugandan now living in the UK and founder/CEO of Action Wealth, managed to rid himself of his war afflicted past to overcome memories that if not dealt with in the right manner, would have threatend to deluge his personal dreams and aspirations?
There are several other examples I could use as a point of reference.
Evidently, what comes out of my examples is the answer to questions asked: 'Instead of whining, these different individuals mined their God given abilities and dug up solutions to their problems.'
I mean, complaining about the government eating into your hard earned tax money whilst you continue to vote in the same corrupt government every five years doesn't make sense, or does it? Or moaning that the east are drowning us with their cheap products when we continue to 'refinance' our pockets, so as to lavishly furnish the interior of our homes with western technology, doesn't add up either. Or better still, grumbling that you can't get a particular job because you are 'Black' or African.
C'mon people. Let us start to build some air of certitude and self assurance around us and work on who we are, as we are. No matter what I do or try to do, I will never grow a shade lighter or have a pointed nose, unless I go through the pains that Michael Jackson endured to attain his present image (which I strongly do not recommend.) If I want to get myself into one of those glamourous beauty pageants I will have to douse my mind with a brighter shade of positiveness and stretch my self-confidence and aplomb, beyond my nose's reach.
How else then, (I ask myself in rhetoric) can I assist my 'mon ami' whose email tantrum I am now seriously considering sending to my recycle bin? Well.. fortunately for him and after much taunting deliberation with my concsience, I have chosen not to use this forum to air out his linen; for assuredly, his problem is so obscure as to invite a mass beating. Instead I have bypassed the delete button on my keyboard. So as not to send him to the brink of suicide, I am sending him an encouraging response whilst wittingly guiding him to come read this post.
"Master Thyself...."
For more on "Attitude" visit www.actionwealth.com/lilianokado
also for more of Lilian's postings visit www.ofuntoldstories.blogspot.com

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