9 Aug 2006

It’s been a while since I got my creative juices turned on. Right about now and for no specific reason, I am feeling inspired and only because I’m extremely nervous and just about to head for an apparent "high powered' business meeting." Actually, supposedly I am running the meeting today.

Growing up I always wondered about the fuss ‘adults’ made over “business meetings.” They always made them out to sound so intense and in my mind I would picture important faces talking about important and serious issues only to discover that my reality then, was far from the truth.

In my opinion, business meetings are plain boring. Ok at least the ones i have attended. You are unwillingly coerced by strange forces known or unbeknown to yourself, to sit down or stand, depending on how you intend to go about it, with strangers who you have to suck up to, so that they can buy into your 'brilliant' idea.

It’s funny how I managed to get myself into this boring stuff. I do not know, but what I’m sure of is, if I don’t start making the millions I hear everyone talking about, even from those who don’t know how to make those millions, I will continue to suffer asking myself this same question every single day for the rest of my life.

Look at me now. I hate crowds and here I am as always, preparing myself to go into a room filled with unfamiliar persons, to try and convince them to buy a product that no one seems to have heard or really care about (you wait till I make my millions I’ll show them). For a whole hour, with a difficult task at hand, I am going to be the centre of attraction and I am not looking forward to it at all.

First of all, I know there will be people who have never heard the word network marketing. Then, there will be the category who may have heard the word but hate the idea. Then, there are those who may have heard the rumors of its existence, but have never quite grasped its meaning in entirety and are inherently hoping to do so today. Then finally, there are the ones who for the sake of humor I call the ‘vultures,’ who I staunchly believe, even if I may be wrong, are primarily there to intimidate me quietly, perhaps even for lack of anything better to do with their time, criticize my disposition.

Maybe it will be my bad looks, or my accent, or my age, maybe even my cheap pedicure that is their focus. However, these otherwise ‘intimidating' creatures spanning all walks of life, will only fully reach their goal to destroy me, up to the point when I will open up my mouth to speak. For after that, I’ll become totally oblivious to their silent name calling, bored sighs, and indifference. After a few stutters, I will clear my throat, lift my head up high for all who care to see, then as if to declare my territory, look them straight in the eye and begin to conquer their psyche. For truly, I am indispensable. I am on home turf.

Anyone who will feel disposed to challenge me at this time will be at will to do so after I’m done dealing with their consciousness. Let them be warned, I have my facts straight and they had better have intelligent sentiments to share or I’ll shatter their glass walls and reveal them for who they really are; Uninformed.

I have just glance at my watch and its time. I now must go into the deep waters where there are no laws to protect me.

All I have with me is my heart and my head. My heart, that carries with it courage to face the truth and uncertainty, and my head, that carries with it the data bank of my wit and abilities.

Aren’t these tools enough, to enable me endure one grueling hour of talk, talk, talk, and more talk? Not forgetting the blank and unidentifiable stares…..

Well, off I must go, or ill be accused by my peers of trying to abscond duty.

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